Let’s make sure your Child is covered

Insurance companies now routinely require that we provide a current (within the last 3 years) diagnostic report in order for them to approve our request for authorization for ABA services.

Scheduling an Appointment for a Diagnostic Evaluation or Reevaluation

If you are asking your primary care doctor or insurance company for a referral, please let them know that you are looking for a doctor or Licensed Clinical Psychologist who provides diagnostic evaluations for Autism Spectrum Disorder for children your child’s age. When scheduling an appointment, please let the provider know that you will need a diagnostic report and that: 1. The diagnostic report must be done by a doctor or Licensed Clinical Psychologist, 2. include at least one diagnostic instrument they ran (ex: ADOS, CARS, GARS, ASRS, ABAS), 3. provide detailed observations, 4. note all current diagnoses & 5. include the doctor’s current recommendations.

Learn More

Here are a few local Resources to get started

Licensed Clinical Psychologists


Anna Basov, PsyD

Center for Psychology and Wellness

601 Skokie Boulevard Suite 402

Northbrook, IL 60062


Dr. Basov and other Licensed Clinical Psychologists in her practice are able to perform assessments for ages 5-adult and are in-network with BCBS, Cigna, and others

John Frampton, PsyD

5100 N. Ravenswood Ave., Suite 225

Chicago, IL 60640


Please confirm with Dr. Frampton that he is in-network with your insurance and performs assessments for your child’s age


Developmental and Behavioral Pediatricians


Amita Health – Alexian Brothers, Neurosciences Institute

Locations in Hoffman Estates and Elk Grove Village

(847) 981-3630

Other hospitals with Developmental-Behavioral Pediatricians

Illinois Masonic (773) 296-7340

Rush (312) 942-0819,

UIC (312) 413-1490


We can help

Finding the right diagnostician can be daunting. If you more information or would like additional insight on any of the physicians listed, let us know! We are happy to provide additional feedback.