Genuine Collaboration Makes a Difference

We work where you need us: at school, at home, and in the community. Building real-world support means our ABA clinicians value every member of the team working to care for your child. Our genuine collaborative culture is what sets us apart. We work with health professionals of all disciplines to ensure consistency across environments that result in positive outcomes.

We work with you and Your Child’s Care Team

In-school Collaboration

We align the treatment plan targets to be meaningful for both the home and school environment. Teachers and other members of your child's IEP team spend a lot of time with your child. Building relationships with your child's educational team can provide us with the additional insight we need to teach skills that can assist in making your child successful across environments.

In school collaboration during the IEP process

In-school collaboration with teachers and administrators

Professional Collaboration

We believe in ongoing communication. While all therapies are provided on a one-to-one basis, we put a lot of emphasis on collaboration to align the care team’s treatment plan to your child’s progress. Our experienced BCBAs will continue to monitor their progress and adjust the plan as needed to achieve the best outcomes for your child.

Ongoing Partnership and Support

Consultation with a speech pathologist and language pathologist (SLP) as needed

Consultation with an occupational therapist as needed

Consultation with a physical therapist as needed

Consultation with Special Education Advocates & Legal Teams as needed